“When I take my last breath, I don’t care what I have, or what people perceive me to be. What I care about is knowing who, and what I truly am.. experiencing the awe, mystery, & beauty of life, & walking a path of freedom & authenticity. Nothing else matters.”
“You are not your job. You are not your production. You’re not your career, your professional title. You’re not your degree, or your achievements. You’re not what’s in your mind… what’s in your heart, is what you truly are.”
“We’ve been programmed from birth by society and our parents. And our programming is infected with their viruses. To live free and authentically, one needs to identify, and delete the viruses, re-boot the system, and re-write your programming in accordance and harmony with your heart & soul.”
“The process of continually stripping away the layers of human conditioning, unfolding into the highest natural version of yourself, connecting to deeper levels of beauty in the world, and unity with our source.. not always easy, but always worth it.”
“Seven billion expressions/reflections of the divine, each one meticulously, and perfectly unique, while still operating from the same DNA blueprint. No two human beings are exactly alike. Nature around us confirms the infinite creative possibility of our existence. We are all unique, with our own destiny. To follow the herd is to deny your unique purpose, and contribution to this experience. Be your SELF.”