“Believe in the power of Love. When Love challenges you, dig deeper, and Love more. We are born from Love, don’t turn your back on it.”
“For lovers, when things get a little rough, that’s when the real work starts, and the true beauty begins. We’re in each other’s lives for a reason.”
“I love my life, and I’m not just saying that to try and convince myself, or anyone else. I really do. In fact, I love your life, and I especially love the fact that we have the opportunity to love.”
“LOVE is the only answer you need. ALL is revealed through LOVE”
“Do not fear love.. for it is through love that you will transcend fear.”
“Love is absolutely free. It’s virtually the only thing we don’t have to pay for in this world, and it happens to be the most essential, and most important human need. Let’s not be so stingy and exclusive with our love. Let it flow more freely, as it was intended to be.”
“I’m very fortunate that fate sent me a true soulmate, so that we could experience the essence of who we are, LOVE, on levels deeper than I could have ever imagined. We’ve learned to use each other as vivid mirrors to see the divine in one other, and to heal our accumulated pain. I believe that god is love, and that it is through love that we come to face to face with the divine.”
“Perhaps we should burn every book that’s ever been written on the topic of religion or spirituality, and bring into focus the one thing feels naturally right to everybody, and that nobody can argue with: LOVE. No concepts, no divisiveness, no need to be right, just LOVE.”